CLBR #272: Detroit Revisited: Is it the Next Startup Hub?


Detroit Revisited: Is it the Next Startup Hub?

With Techstars Mobility’s Ted Serbinski

This is our third show about the city of Detroit and over the years we have discussed the city’s rise and fall and potential recovery.  In May, Ted Serbinski wrote Why I love the Detroit Startup Scene in VentureBeat and we decided to hear what he had to say.

Ted Serbinski
Managing Director of Techstars Mobility

Web: TechStars Mobility
@tedserbinski /@techstars

ted2Ted Serbinski is an entrepreneur and early-stage investor. As an ex-Silicon Valley guy, he moved to Detroit to create a legacy and help lead the startup renaissance in Detroit. He is the Managing Director of Techstars Mobility, driven by Detroit. Previously, he was a Partner and founding team member of Detroit Venture Partners.

Ted has co-led investments in 24 companies over the past 3 years, with 13 of those headquartered in Detroit. Ted is active in the Detroit startup community sitting on many boards. Currently he is on the board of the Michigan Venture Capital Association Techtown Detroit and is the Midwest Regional Advisor for Venture for America. He also was the founding Chairman of the Detroit Executive Advisory Board of Techweek. The inaugural event in May 2014 attracted nearly 2000 attendees as the largest startup tech event in Detroit.

Before moving to Detroit from San Francisco, Ted was a co-founder and CTO of ParentsClick. With the 4th largest social network and the largest blog network for moms, Lifetime Television acquired ParentsClick in 2008. Ted graduated from Cornell in 2004, with a B.S. in Computer Engineering. He currently resides in Metro Detroit with his beautiful wife and son. Ted blogs on startups, technology, and Detroit at


Our radio station is back on line after Hurricane Irma.  We want to give a shout out to those who have helped provide relief to affected communities – especially to Tim Duncan and J.J. Watt for the great impact they have had for their communities in Houston and the U.S. Virgin Islands.




September 20 – Alan O’Rourke, The Emerging Law of Active Cyber Defense

October 4 – Voting Machine Hacking Village at DEFCON

October 18 – Mike Masnick, CEO of TechDirt